
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Review: Morning, Noon & Night by Sidney Sheldon

Goodreads: Cruising on his yacht, Harry Stanford, one of the world's wealthiest men, drowns under mysterious circumstances. Now, a young woman apears at the family gathering following the funeral claiming to be his daughter and heir. As the respected Stanford family seeks to learn whether she is genuine or an imposter, a hidden web of blackmail, drugs and murder emerges from behind the facade.

Kritters Thoughts: Twists and turns and ups and downs - this book had me going down one path and just when I least expected it, I was catipalted onto a different path. And I loved it! Beyond predictable, but still enjoyable to try to see if I could guess as to where the story would lead. I randomly picked it up from my library's ebook collection and it fit into a challenge I do with a group on GoodReads.

A story of a wealthy father of three children who sent them away at a young age and belittled them from the moment their mother committed suicide. He hung his wealth over their head to ensure that they didn't cross certain lines. With a love child on the side, this quirky story did not end where I thought it would and I am beyond thankful for it. With a who dun it twist, this book was enjoyable to the last page.

A book for young and old, men and women with mystery and intrigue. A great read that I am excited to share with my readers because I had not heard a peep of it!

Rating:definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 388

Cover Challenge April-June: Morning, Afternoon & Evening


  1. I used to be a Sheldon fan, but haven't read any of his for a long time. You made me want to pick one of those up again, for old times sake. Thanks!

  2. I didn't know Sidney Sheldon was still writing. I remember him from the 80's (guess I'm old LOL)!

  3. Call my young and naive, but I had never heard of Sheldon! I loved reading this one and may just pick up more!
