
Monday, May 23, 2011

Review: Stilettos and Scoundrels by Laina Molaski

Goodreads: Presley Thurman, a sassy, thirty-something red-head, was looking to reinvent herself. She didn't allow the fact that she was recently fired bother her - she was ready to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Presley is a lover of shopping and Starbucks, and even though she sometimes has bad taste in men, she always had great taste in clothes. Not looking back on corporate America Presley decided to follow her dream. With her feisty nature and spirit to not "sweat the small stuff," she was ready to tackle any challenge (even if she had no idea how she would pay her bills).

When her friend Trevor offered her a job with his online magazine to interview public figures, she jumped at the chance. However, the new job turned into something unexpected when the US Senator she was slated to write about was murdered - in her home town!

Kritters Thoughts: A wonderful and quirky who dun it with a chick lit spin! I fell in love with Presley Thurman from page one and couldn't wait to hear all about her adventures. The large cast of characters was hard at times to remember who was linked with whom, but once it was all settled I couldn't find out who was the killer and why they committed the murder. I had my thoughts and debated a few times, but in the end she got me and I couldn't wait to find out all the details!

The one thing that I didn't fall in love with was the random times it switched to another's persons thoughts or head. I would be reading along and then all of the sudden I would be hearing how a different character was thinking about what they were encoutering with Presley. A little confusing and made for some moments of wonder.

I would absolutely recommend it to those who love a little suspense and love a little chick lit when they pick up a book. Any murder using a shoe is worth reading in my book!

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 312

Cover Challenge April-June: Shoe Addict

Read and reviewed for
Nurture Virtual Book Tourz.

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