
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dewey's Read a thon 2011: Hour Six

So took these two hours off to go to lunch with the boy and do some grocery shopping, then showered and headed over to the craft show for my sister, so the next two hours may be unproductive as well.  I promise to hop on the bandwagon when I return!  Just may get some reading done while crafting!

Currently Reading: The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans
Pages Read: 0 took a break for lunch and grocery shopping
Running total of pages read: 178
Running total of time spent reading: 3 hours and 30 min
Mini-challenges completed: 2


  1. Have fun at the craft fair! Sometimes it's fun to have other events during the readathon to mix things up a bit. Good luck with your reading!

  2. Taking a break's probably a good idea :) Happy readathon!

  3. Is that book by the same Sara Evans that is a country music singer?

  4. You're doing great! Hope you're having fun!

    Happy reading!

  5. yes the Sara Evans is the country music star, and this book is worth the read, it has a sequel too
