
Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (44)

A quiet week, which was a happy change.  Work is busy, but the rest of my world is nice and quiet.  

I had a baby shower this weekend for a friend and got my Halloween outfit ready for work.  And we are still enjoying the chili from last weekend, this cold weather makes a girl hibernate. 

Finished this past week:
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins
Softly and Tenderly by Sara Evans
Unforseen Fears by H William Gruchow

Currently Reading:
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Man Who Couldn't Eat by Jon Reiner

Next off the TBR pile:
Hospice Tails by Debra Strang


  1. I feel like I'm in full hibernation mode already. Enjoy your books this week - especially the Hunger Games!

  2. I really need to read the Hunger Games soon, I keep hearing such amazing things about it.

  3. I loved The Hunger Games and I'm excited about the upcoming movie!

  4. Enjoy The Hunger Games! The series just might suck you in, as it is perfect reading for hibernation.

  5. Hunger Games! That was awesome. :) Hope you like it too.

    Follower. Come see my Monday! Have a great week!

  6. I read The Hunger Games earlier this year but I haven't gotten to the other two yet.

    I had a very slow week of reading. Please come see what I did finish.

  7. Happy Reading! Like you I avoid the coldness by staying inside with blanket and book.

  8. I really enjoyed Hunger Games!
    I hope hibernating means more reading. :-) Have a warm, cozy week.

  9. I've heard so many great things about Hunger Games! I've actually got 2 sets but I'm still yet to read it! Looking forward to reading your review :)
