
Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (70)

A good week that ended with a great weekend of reading, I just may finish one more tonight!!

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney. 

Finished this past week:
The House of the Wind by Titania Hardie
The Coffins of Little Hope by Timothy Schafferty
Daughters for a Time by Jennifer Handford
Keepsake by Kristina Riggle
A Gift for My Sister by Ann Pearlman

Currently Reading:

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese 
      (took a pause on this one, hoping to finish soon)
The Most Dangerous Thing by Laura Lippman

Next off the TBR pile:

Arrivals by Meg Mitchell Moore


  1. Many seem to love Cutting for Stone, I don't think it is for me but probably a great one in its genre.

  2. I put off Cutting for Stone mainly because of its size and now I regret this.

  3. Enjoy your books. My favorite read this week was Cereal Murders by Diane Mott Davidson Please come see what else I'm reading.

  4. You had a great week. The Coffins of Little hope has been on my reading list for a while.

    Enjoy your reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd out

  5. All the books you mentioned are new to me. I read 4 books last week, planning for 5 this week..see my meme here:

  6. Gosh, a lot of books I haven't heard of! I'll keep an eye out for the reviews. :)

  7. Sounds like you have some nice selections this week! Lots of new titles for me! I hope you enjoy!
    Happy Reading!

  8. You sure did manage to read a lot last week! The coffins of little hope sound interesting.

    Take a look at what I'm reading this week!

  9. The Coffins of Little Hope was for my bookclub, I love that my book club at my indie bookstore always picks books that I wouldn't pick myself!

  10. I have been trying to read Cutting For Stone for a while now...Hope you enjoyed it!
