
Saturday, June 2, 2012

On My Way to BEA

Well I have started packing my bags and am almost ready to head to NYC for BEA.  There is one big thing looming in my way - a company family park day that is all my responsibility tomorrow.  SO tomorrow after 8pm I will officially be on vacation and mentally on my way to BEA!

Are you going to BEA?  If so, what are you most excited about it?

Are you going to do Armchair BEA?  I participated last year and I loved it as a prequel to my attendance this year.

I am excited to meet some of my contacts in person and of course, definitely excited to meet some new friends.  How do you describe this event to non-bookish people?

Hope to see you there, I will be the one grinning from ear to ear!

1 comment:

  1. I've had my head in the BEA clouds for a couple of days now!

    Most excited about the BEA Buzz panels, as those books are usually awesome! I've been describing it as Woodstock for booklovers, but people just look at me funny. Hope to run into you in line! :D
