
Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

Another busy week at work, but a full weekend spent reading made up for it!!

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney. 

Finished this past week:
Help for the Haunted by John Searles
The Cutting Season by Attica Locke
Cartwheel by Jennifer Dubois
Leaving Haven by Kathleen McCleary
A Diet to Die For by Sarah Steding
The Good Wife by Jane Porter

Currently Reading:
The Preservationist by Justin Kramon

Next on the TBR pile:
Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn


  1. I have The Good Wife on my Kindle (Sparky); looking forward to it.

    Enjoy your reading...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

  2. I'm finishing up Tiy and the Prince of Egypt this week. Up next is Daughter of Isis. After that, I'm not sure. I have books to review, but nothing on a deadline, so my options are wide open.

  3. Interesting titles! I haven't heard of any of them though. Come see my Monday Report. Happy reading!

  4. You have a lot of books that are new to me, so off to Goodreads I go! Have a great week!
