
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Review: Risking It All by Nina Darnton

Risking It All
by Nina Darnton

Publisher: St. Martin's
Pages: 397
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  When Marcia, a driven, successful editor in New York with a loving husband, finds she can't conceive a child, it rips the heart out of her seemingly-perfect life. Her desire to be a mother has become her obsession, and after trying and failing to become pregnant by every known method, she focuses all of her energy on her one remaining option: surrogacy. Her husband resists, and tries to convince her that they can be happy without a child; but faced with her unyielding determination, he relents, and reluctantly goes along with the idea. Everything looks good...until an unexpected tragedy occurs that changes their plans, their marriage, and their lives forever.

Kritters Thoughts:  Would you do anything to have a family?  Marcia must make that decision and with a resistant husband she must convince him to take the least paved path.  It was so interesting to read a story about a woman who had fulfilled all the professional goals that she had wanted, but starting a family was not working out for her so she must really push and exceed the obvious to get what she had always dreamed of.  Then when she gets her dreams answered things look a little different than she imagined and she must roll with the punches!

I don't want to divulge the major parts of the plot because as the develop it is interesting to see Marcia and her husband and how they each react in very different ways.  Both of their responses felt real and true and I liked that.  I liked that everything wasn't sunshine and roses and they had major speed bumps along the way.  

The one thing that made this book a little difficult was the slow pacing of it.  There were moments where it just wasn't moving that much and it was slow and steady and I was easily distracted away from it.  But I kept rolling through and was satisfied by the ending and how it all came together.

I would absolutely read another by this author.  I noticed she had one in her backlist and I hope she is working on something forthcoming.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2017 Challenge: 41 out of 50

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from St Martin's Press.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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