
Friday, February 22, 2019

Review: The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman

The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman
by Denis Theriault

Publisher: Hesperus Press
Pages: 128
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Bilodo lives a solitary daily life, routinely completing his postal rounds every day and returning to his empty Montreal apartment. But he has found a way to break the cycle—Bilodo has taken to stealing people's mail, steaming open the envelopes, and reading the letters inside. And so it is he comes across Ségolène's letters. She is corresponding with Gaston, a master poet, and their letters are each composed of only three lines. They are writing each other haikus. The simplicity and elegance of their poems move Bilado and he begins to fall in love with her. But one day, out on his round, he witnesses a terrible and tragic accident. Just as Gaston is walking up to the post-box to mail his next haiku to Ségolène, he is hit by a car and dies on the side of the road. And so Bilodo makes an extraordinary decision—he will impersonate Gaston and continue to write to Ségolène under this guise. But how long can the deception continue for?

Kritters Thoughts:  This book was one of those books that I received from Netgalley and I am trying to read through my list in 2019.  I won't accomplish it, but want to make a dent.  

A very quirky book that made me raise an eyebrow a few times.  A postman with no friends and a secluded life decides to snoop in the mail that he is to deliver and ends up caught in the middle of a bit of drama due to the mail.  He ends up pen paling with someone and when they want to meet him he has to make a decision.  

This one was just ok.  With 128 pages, it was easy to finish it and if it had been longer it may have been one of the few that I put down and DNFed.  I didn't fall in love with this quirky postman and the book rests solely on his shoulders, if you can't enjoy him then you can't get into this book.  I like the idea of the plot, but I just couldn't get pulled in by this character.  

Rating:  not such a good read

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 7 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Netgalley.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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