
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Review: The Woman in the Dark by Vanessa Savage

The Woman in the Dark
by Vanessa Savage

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages: 346
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  For Sarah and Patrick, family life has always been easy. But when Sarah's mother dies, it sends Sarah into a downwards spiral. Knowing they need a fresh start, Patrick moves the family to the beachside house he grew up in.

But there is a catch: while their new home carries only happy memories for Patrick, to everyone else it's known as the Murder House - named for the family that was killed there.
Patrick is adamant they can make it perfect again, though with their children plagued by nightmares and a constant sense they're being watched, Sarah's not so sure. Because the longer they live in their 'dream home', the more different her loving husband becomes . . .

Kritters Thoughts:  Sarah and Patrick have different ideas as to how to improve their family's lives.  Sarah thinks a vacation or two using some money her mother has left behind could really help them.  Patrick wants to purchase his family home that has a checkered past, but he thinks moving the family into this home they could remake the home and the family.  Both are keeping secrets that could eventually take this family to its knees.

From the synopsis, I was prepared for this book to be right up my alley, but there was one big thing that frustrated me and it was the unreliable narrator.  As the book is from Sarah's point of view there are some scenes at the very beginning that wipe away all trust that the reader has in Sarah and you question everything she says if it is truth.  I am not a fan of this plot device and I don't like wondering if I can trust my narrator, I need to be able to believe her to enjoy the reading experience.

Overall I liked the writing, the plot and how everything unfolded, but for me the narrator was so distracting that it took away from the book.  I would read another book by this author, but in hopes that I could trust the main character!

Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 25 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Grand Central Publishing.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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