
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Review: The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron

The Lost Castle
by Kristy Cambron

Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pages: 384
Format: ebook
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  A thirteenth century castle, Chateau de Doux Reves, has been forgotten for generations, left to ruin in a storybook forest nestled deep in France's picturesque Loire Valley. It survived a sacking in the French Revolution, was brought back to life and fashioned into a storybook chateau in the Gilded Age, and was eventually felled and deserted after a disastrous fire in the 1930s.

As Ellie Carver sits by her grandmother's bedside, she hears stories of a castle . . . of lost love and a hidden chapel that played host to a secret fight in the World War II French resistance. But her grandmother is quickly slipping into the locked-down world of Alzheimer's, and Ellie must act fast if she wants to uncover the truth of her family's history.

Sparked by the discovery of a long forgotten family heirloom, Ellie embarks on a journey to French wine country to uncover the mystery surrounding The Sleeping Beauty--the castle so named for Charles Perrault's beloved fairy tale--and unearth its secrets before they're finally silenced by time.

Kritters Thoughts:  Aveline, Ellison and Viola are all from a different place in time, but in this book their stories matter to each other.  Ellison heads to France to find a missing story from her grandmother's past and in this journey she finds that and so much more.  

This was one of those books where you had to have a sheet of paper to take notes to keep the three storylines in check.  Two historical storylines and a current storyline made for three main characters and a whole slew of supporting characters and of course they all connected in interesting ways.  I liked this book, but taking notes felt as though I was having to do a little bit of work while reading!  

Sometimes when I read a book with multiple storylines I like them all the same, not so in this book.  I really enjoyed Viola Hart's storyline taking place in the 1940s in France with the Nazi occupation and the place this castle played into it was so interesting. I think this one was so closely aligned with the current storyline, which made me love it even more.  The storyline that took place in the 1700s was ok, but felt more of a reach to fit with the other two.  I understand why it was included, but the book could have been complete without it.  

I am excited to see how this series goes from here with two more books to read! 

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 44 out of 100

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