
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Review: Beth and Amy by Virginia Kantra

Beth and Amy
by Virginia Kantra

Publisher: Berkley
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Amy March is more like her older sister Jo than she'd like to admit. An up-and-coming designer in New York's competitive fashion industry, ambitious Amy is determined to get out of her sisters' shadow and keep her distance from their North Carolina hometown. But when Jo's wedding forces her home, she must face what she really wants...and confront the One Big Mistake that could upend her life and forever change her relationship with Jo.

Gentle, unassuming Beth grew up as the good girl of the family. A talented singer-songwriter, she's overcome her painful anxiety to tour with country superstar Colt Henderson. But life on the road has taken its toll on her health and their relationship. Maybe a break to attend her sister's wedding will get her out of her funk. But Beth realizes that what she's looking for and what she needs are two very different things....

With the March women reunited, this time with growing careers and families, they must once again learn to lean on one another as they juggle the changes coming their way.

Kritters Thoughts:  The second in a series and this is one of those series while it may focus on different characters, you would miss a lot if you didn't start at book one.  

A modern reimagining of the characters of Little Women as they have modern jobs and are encountering modern things.  With this book focusing on Beth and Amy, Beth is nervous to go home and be around her sisters as she is hiding a very large secret and while this secret doesn't kill her, it comes close.  Amy is the baby of the family and she has a secret of her own and wonders if she can keep it while they are home for Jo's wedding.  

As a true fan of Little Women, I love the little easter eggs that are in this story, but more so with this one, I felt as though it didn't completely align with the original work like the first book did.  I still loved seeing the sister dynamics and the supporting characters in this book and comparing them to the original book, but there was one thing that I was waiting on that didn't occur (not spoiling) and felt as though it made the book veer far from Little Women.  

I wonder if there will be a third book in the series and if possibly it will go where I thought this one should/would go.  I wouldn't mind if this author took another piece of classical work and reimagined it because I love how she keeps the heart but brings it up to our current world.  

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2021 Challenge: 58 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Berkley  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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