While this rebel image helps secure CG’s newfound popularity, it also propels her through a maze of unprecedented chaos, with each new lie and every dare opening doors that, in most cases, were better off left shut.
CG is on a collision course with disaster. Will she be able to keep up the façade? Or will the whole world find out she’s a fraud?
CG is on a collision course with disaster. Will she be able to keep up the façade? Or will the whole world find out she’s a fraud?
Kritters Thoughts: A cute little YA novel to start a new three month Goodreads Challenge! This book reminded me of the movie Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan. The classic popular girls with the new girl who usually doesn't fit in, they take her under their wing and drama ensues.
I am not usually a YA reader, but every once in awhile I like a cute light read where I can chuckle - remembering my days in middle and high school. This especially hits home because just recently me and JP (my boy) went to his high school reunion - once a fake cheerleader always a fake cheerleader AND once a band geek always a band geek.
The book ended predictably - but towards the end I noticed that the language just kept piling higher and higher. Call me old fashioned or not hip - but do kids these days really speak this much filth. If I caught it, then it had to have been extreme because I can usually skim right over any language.
All in all a cute read that I would only recommend to those who enjoy books of the YA genre.
Pages: 312
GR Oct - Dec Challenge: Copyright Year Rally (Sept 2010)
As a blogger I have been pleasantly surprised about the quality of YA fiction.