Thursday, July 9, 2020

Review: Always the Last to Know by Kristan Higgins

Always the Last to Know
by Kristan Higgins

Publisher: Berkley Books
Pages: 400
Format: eARC 
Buy the Book: Amazon 

Goodreads:  The Frosts are a typical American family. Barb and John, married almost fifty years, are testy and bored with each other...who could blame them after all this time? At least they have their daughters-- Barb's favorite, the perfect, brilliant Juliet; and John's darling, the free-spirited Sadie. The girls themselves couldn't be more different, but at least they got along, more or less. It was fine. It was enough.

Until the day John had a stroke, and their house of cards came tumbling down.

Now Sadie has to put her career as a teacher and struggling artist in New York on hold to come back and care for her beloved dad--and face the love of her life, whose heart she broke, and who broke hers. Now Juliet has to wonder if people will notice that despite her perfect career as a successful architect, her perfect marriage to a charming Brit, and her two perfect daughters, she's spending an increasing amount of time in the closet having panic attacks.

And now Barb and John will finally have to face what's been going on in their marriage all along.

Kritters Thoughts:  Another Kristan Higgins book that is a stand alone and I typically love her books that are stand alones, but for me this one as was just ok.  The Frost family contains mother, father, and two daughters.  When the story begins, the father has had a heart attack and the daughter that lived far away has come home to help nurse him back to health, but also to rethink what she wants her future to look like.  

With each of the family members taking turns to tell their side of the story, the book started with presenting each member and the drama they were dealing with.  I think for me this is didn't work for me and it was hard to start sort of down in the dumps from the beginning.  The first few chapters and so many odd pages were just filled with drama drama and more drama and I was worried that was how the whole book was going to feel like.  Thankfully once the story started moving forward it got better, but not enough for me to fall in love with it.

Being in a family with two daughters, I related a lot to this book and maybe for me I laughed at things that felt familiar and cringed at things that felt too close!  I love picturing these two daughters and their parents and it was easy to see the reflections in my family.  Kristan Higgins builds great characters.  

Out of her stand alones, this wasn't one of my favorites, but it isn't a book that I despised or didn't even finish.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2020 Challenge: 65 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Penguin Random House.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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