Publisher: Thunderbird Press
Pages: 392
Format: book
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: The richly-textured settings of Seattle's commercial waterfront, San Diego's topless beaches and the breathtaking waters off Cabo San Lucas create the backdrop for a riveting story of love, romance and betrayal, as a young couple find themselves in a fight for their lives having been set up by the FBI as perfect bait.
Kritters Thoughts: From the synopsis, I was beyond excited about this enticing read with a who dun it taking place on the water, it was a dream book. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why this book didn't live up to the synopsis or my thoughts, I promise to share my thoughts in the most political correct way possible. Corey is the main character and the book starts in Seattle where the reader learns of his love for fishing and boating. Issues arise and he travels to San Diego where he is able to pursue again the love for fishing and boating - this part of the book was fine, but we were 100 pages in and I still didn't feel the mystery begin.
Then our main character fixes up a boat and takes some charters out - there was too much fishing jargon, I was lost and confused. Not being the fishing enthusiast, this part of the book just swept by me. And still there wasn't the mystery I was promised.
Now, the last 100 pages is where the book picked up speed and I enjoyed it from this point on. I loved the mutiny on the boat, Corey trying to rescue and the twist of an ending. It just took a lot to get to the good stuff; a little too much.
Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Nice review!