Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Review: Roar by Cecelia Ahern

by Cecelia Ahern

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages: 273
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  In this singular and imaginative story collection, Cecelia Ahern explores the endless ways in which women blaze through adversity with wit, resourcefulness, and compassion. Ahern takes the familiar aspects of women's lives--the routines, the embarrassments, the desires--and elevates these moments to the outlandish and hilarious with her astute blend of magical realism and social insight.

One woman is tortured by sinister bite marks that appear on her skin; another is swallowed up by the floor during a mortifying presentation; yet another resolves to return and exchange her boring husband at the store where she originally acquired him. The women at the center of this curious universe learn that their reality is shaped not only by how others perceive them, but also how they perceive the power within themselves. 

By turns sly, whimsical, and affecting, these thirty short stories are a dynamic examination of what it means to be a woman in this very moment. Like women themselves, each story can stand alone; yet together, they have a combined power to shift consciousness, inspire others, and create a multi-voiced ROAR that will not be ignored. 

Kritters Thoughts:  A collection of short stories where each story revolves around a woman.  Some of the stories had an interesting magical realism bit to them and some felt super feminist, it was a wide range and there were some that I liked and some that were just ok and a few that I didn't care for.  It was an interesting collection that I am glad to pass on to a girlfriend who needs to be reminded of all the cool aspects of being a woman!

What I loved about this collection is it seemed that every kind of woman was represented.  I am a married, working woman with no kids and a squad of dogs and I felt represented.  I have a sister who is a stay at home mom to three kids and I could see her in this collection and my mother is a grandmother, mother and wife entering the retirement years and I could see her in this collection.  I loved that any woman could pick up this collection and find a bit of themself in at least a story or two.  I think she did a great job of representing the entire broad landscape of women.

I love short story collections to live on my nightstand for night time reading where you can read just a short story or two before bed.  They are perfect to read alongside your other books.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 30 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Grand Central Publishing.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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