Sixteen-year-old idential twins Meldoy and Harmony were seperated at birth and have never met until the day Harmony shows up on Melody's doorstep. Up to now, the twins have followed completely opposite paths. Melody has scored an enviable conception contract with a couple called the Jaydens. While they are searching for the perfect partner for Melody to bump with, she is fighting her attraction to her best friend, Zen, who is way too short for the job.
Kritters Thoughts: What a read - before starting this book, I was set to read my second dystopian and in the back of my mind was my love for Delirious by Lauren Oliver. Yes, this was a dystopian, but there is no way to compare or contrast this book with that one. So I ended up reading another book in the genre, but enjoying another aspect of it.
A world where a woman beyond the age of 18 loses the ability to have children or so they think. Adults must rely on teenagers to grow their family. A responsibility that any teenager should not bear on their shoulders for fear that it may get out of hand - and in this book it does. These girls are put into positions that make them grow up faster than they should have and completely changes their ability to slowly grow from young girl to young adult.
In a video on Goodreads, the author speaks about the craze about young girls getting pregnant and how that was the first thing that started her brainstorm that created this book. Although, the underlying theme is teenage pregnancy, I think the larger message is that our teenagers should not be put into positions to make adult decisions. Instead teenagers should still be making safe decisions that don't gravely impact the rest of their lives. I may be taking away a completely different message than intended.
A book for young adults. A definite read for women of the older generation as well.
I despised the ending, or more precisely the lack of ending to this book.