Despite having jobs and men that they love, each knows that something is missing: the closeness that once sustained them. Carmen is a successful actress in New York, engaged to be married, but misses her friends. Lena finds solace in her art, teaching in Rhode Island, but still thinks of Kostos and the road she didn't take. Bridget lives with her longtime boyfriend, Eric, in San Francisco, and though a part of her wants to settle down, a bigger part can't seem to shed her old restlessness.
Then Tibby reaches out to bridge the distance, sending the others plane tickets for a reunion that they all breathlessly await. And indeed, it will change their lives forever - but in ways that none of them could ever have expected.
Kritters Thoughts: As a fan of the series - The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, although I was just beyond the usual age group, I was ecstatic to hear another book would be coming to finish the series. What a finish.
As excited as I was to read this book, the timing at which I picked it up was less than ideal. A book that I took along with me on my Nookster as I headed out of town for my grandmother's funeral. As a spoiler to the plot line for this book - one of the girls will die, but I will keep you guessing as to which character we have to say goodbye to. In this book, as many have said the tone is different because they have to deal with the death of a close friend, who is more like a sister. A somber tone to my already somber week, wasn't the greatest decision.
But in the same breath, I appareciated reading it where because as you revisit the girls in a new place in their lives, they are each battling with life decisions and just at the same age as I am now. It was refreshing to meet the girls who I had met awhile ago and see them at the same point in the road that I am at.
I loved this ending to the series. Although with a more mellow note than the rest of the books, the endeavors they shared fit with their childhood shells and as an adult I felt that their journeys were complete.
Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row
Pages: 349
July-Sept 2011 Challenge: Name Game
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