1. What do you find yourself rambling about?
Right now, I am rambling about my favorite new restaurant. There is a place near my house that serves everything tapas-style (appetizer portions of really amazing, tasty food) and I seriously eat there a few times a week because it is so incredible. Practically every conversation I have with someone is filled with me telling them how they have to go try it out!
2. What books are on your nightstand right now? What genres do you tend to read?
There are too many to list! I just finished an advance copy of Taylor Jenkins Reid's upcoming debut novel, Forever, Interrupted, and it was wonderful. Highly recommend! I tend to read mainstream and literary fiction - I like real stories about the everyday struggles people face.
3. If you could put your book into one person's hands, who would that be?
My bonus daughter, Anna, who inspired much of Ava's point of view in the book. I love being her step-mom, but I would love her stamp of approval on how I portrayed the challenges of being part of a blended family.
4. What is your favorite part of the writing process?
I love those rare moments when I'm typing away and my fingers can barely keep up with the thoughts in my head. When I know exactly what's coming next, and this overwhelming rush of excitement pushes through me because I know what I'm getting down on the page is right and true to the story. It's sort of difficult to explain, but it's the closest I've ever come to a runner's high. It's my writer's high. :)
5. What is next on your plate?
Next is taking the synopsis I've written and turning it into a book!
Thank you so much to Amy Hatvany for answering my questions!
I loved your interview with Amy! She is awesome.