1. What do you find yourself rambling about?
Food - though my friends and family might say "everything" is a more appropriate answer. I am, admittedly, quite the talker. But I could talk about food all day and night and never tire of it. Writing about food in my novels has been a great release for all of that rambling!
2. If you could put your book into one person's hands, who would that be?
Before she passed, I would have said Nora Ephron. She was the queen of romantic comedy (and a foodie to boot). But now . . . maybe Ruth Reichl, the superb food writer and former editor of Gourmet. I feel like she would understand Sydney.
3. Is there any part of your personality in Sydney?
A bit. We both love food - eating it, cooking it, writing about it. But otherwise we are very different. Sydney is hamstrung by insecurity and emotional baggage in a way I've never been, so even though I can relate to her struggles, they aren't ones I've experienced myself.
4. What part of the writing process do you love the most?
I love when the story takes an unexpected turn, as if the characters have become real people and have taken control of the plot. It's exhilarating to watch characters I've created come to life. The further I get into the story, the more real they become.
5. What books do you like to read?
I have pretty eclectic taste. I read everything from women's fiction and chick lit to thrillers and narrative nonfiction. I just love a good story, well told, and I'll read that in any form it comes.
6. What is your next plate?
I recently turned in the revisions to my third book, Too Many Cooks, which comes out in the US in November 2015 (and in June 2015 in the UK!). I think it may be my favorite book yet, so I cannot wait to share it with the world!
Thank you to Dana Bate and Jane Nutter from Kensington Books for answering and coordinating! It is always fun to ask authors questions!
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