Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Review: The Liar by Nora Roberts

The Liar
by Nora Roberts

Publisher: GP Putnam's Son
Pages: 512
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Shelby Foxworth lost her husband. Then she lost her illusions …

The man who took her from Tennessee to an exclusive Philadelphia suburb left her in crippling debt. He was an adulterer and a liar, and when Shelby tracks down his safe-deposit box, she finds multiple IDs. The man she loved wasn’t just dead. He never really existed.

Shelby takes her three-year-old daughter and heads south to seek comfort in her hometown, where she meets someone new: Griff Lott, a successful contractor. But her husband had secrets she has yet to discover. Even in this small town, surrounded by loved ones, danger is closer than she knows—and threatens Griff, as well. And an attempted murder is only the beginning …

Kritters Thoughts:  From the start, Shelby Foxworth is a character worth rooting for and you know that she may make a big move, but her past will follow her until she confronts it.  I loved how although the plot was at times a little outlandish, the way Shelby responds to all of the things happening still felt real - I was able to keep my love of her and the way she reacted throughout the whole book.  

I had inklings as to what the twists and turns could be and although I was right most of the time, it didn't feel like I was spoiled and didn't make the reading any less worthwhile.  Some may call it predictable, but I didn't mind at all. 

A cross between a great mystery thriller and a "women's fiction" and romance make this book one where you sit on the edge of your seat, but also get to fall in love!  I haven't read many books of this kind and Nora Roberts has written quite a few, so I am excited to add her collection to my TBR pile.

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2015 Challenge: 28 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Berkley NAL.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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