Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Review: Because You're Mine by Rea Frey

Because You're Mine
by Rea Frey

Publisher: St Martin's
Pages: 400
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  But it’s the lies that keep you safe. 

Single mother Lee has the daily routine down to a science: shower in six minutes. Cut food into perfect squares. Never leave her on-the-spectrum son Mason in someone else’s care. She’ll do anything—anything—to keep his carefully constructed world from falling apart. Do anything to keep him safe.

But when her best friend Grace convinces her she needs a small break from motherhood to recharge her batteries, Lee gives in to a weekend trip. Surely a long weekend away from home won’t hurt?
Noah, Mason’s handsome, bright, charismatic tutor—the first man in ages Lee’s even noticed—is more than happy to stay with him.

Forty-eight hours later, someone is dead.

But not all is as it seems. Noah may be more than who he claims to be. Grace has a secret—one that will destroy Lee. Lee has secrets of her own that she will do anything to keep hidden.
As the dominoes begin to fall and the past comes to light, perhaps it's no mystery someone is gone after all…

Kritters Thoughts:  With a prologue with a tragic death, it was easy to get into this book and earn to know more and from beginning to end I couldn't put it down and read in a few sittings all in one day!  A group of four women go on a girls trip and one dies during the trip.  Within this group of four are two single moms who value each other's friendship more than anything.  

With secrets and a prologue this book had the beginnings of a book that would drive me crazy BUT the secrets are revealed less than half way through and the prologue's hints come soon after and then the second half of this book is the what happens after AND I loved that.  I love when "shit hits the fan" and then you get the story afterwards.  

I also loved the characters in this story.  They felt so rich and real and I was invested in all of them.  I wish I had made a chart at the beginning to remember who belonged to whom, but the cast wasn't crazy big so I figured it all out in the end.  Each character had drama, but it didn't feel like soap opera drama, it felt real and plausible.   

I can't wait to read another by Rea Frey.  With great story and great characters, this was a solid read.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 32 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from St Martin's Press.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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