Thursday, August 8, 2019

Review: Keeping Lucy by T. Greenwood

Keeping Lucy
by T. Grenewood

Publisher: St Martin's Press
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Dover, Massachusetts, 1969. Ginny Richardson's heart was torn open when her baby girl, Lucy, born with Down Syndrome, was taken from her. Under pressure from his powerful family, her husband, Ab, sent Lucy away to Willowridge, a special school for the “feeble-minded." Ab tried to convince Ginny it was for the best. That they should grieve for their daughter as though she were dead. That they should try to move on. 

But two years later, when Ginny's best friend, Marsha, shows her a series of articles exposing Willowridge as a hell-on-earth--its squalid hallways filled with neglected children--she knows she can't leave her daughter there. With Ginny's six-year-old son in tow, Ginny and Marsha drive to the school to see Lucy for themselves. What they find sets their course on a heart-racing journey across state lines—turning Ginny into a fugitive.

For the first time, Ginny must test her own strength and face the world head-on as she fights Ab and his domineering father for the right to keep Lucy.

Kritters Thoughts:  Historical fiction could possibly be my favorite genre and this book proves my love.  To learn about something while being entertained is ideal!  In Massachusetts in 1969, Ginny Richardson has married into a wealthy family with expectations for each of the members.  When she births a child that is less than perfect, she is taken away and Ginny starts living a new normal.  It is brought to her attention two years later that the place that she thought was raising her daughter right is a hell hole and she sets off on an adventure that she didn't think she could even do.

I adored this book.  The characters, the story, the adventure - they were all so good.  I read this book in one day because I just couldn't put it down, I wanted to know what was going to happen next.  Ginny and her best friend Marsha were pure fun.  The road trip adventure was so fun to follow with two children and two single ladies driving south in hopes that Ginny can get to know her daughter and possibly fight to get to keep her.  

I was such a fan of this story and the writing.  It was my first T Greenwood read and I am intrigued to check out some of her backlist very soon.

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2019 Challenge: 32 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from St Martin's Press.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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