Rule Number One: No killing innocent bystanders.
Rule Number Two: No killing anyone under the age of eighteen.
Break the rules, Become the target.
Since the age of eighteen, Joseph has been assassinating people on behalf of a cause that he believes in but doesn't fully understand. The War is ageless, hideen in the shadows, governed by a rigid set of rules, and fought by two distinct sides - one good, one evil.
Kritters Thoughts: Wow! What a book that took me out of my comfort zone and I loved it!! A semi dystopian book with a love story twist, what more could a girl ask for? Written in the form of journal entries and a letter to a child, I connected with Joseph our main character from the beginning and was just waiting for him to find the love that would change his life.
Before you get to the love story, you must read quite a bit of guts and gore. If you have a weak stomach for death, then this may not be the book for you. But if you can handle it, there is more to this story than a man who is killing people. The bigger story of trying to find where one fits into a bigger picture is something that everyone tackles at one point in their life. Was he on the side of good or evil? Did we find out or do I still wonder? This made the book deep and it made me fall in love with the story even more.
Head to your closest store and grab this one. I noticed in Goodreads it said #1 - so is it the first in a series, I sure hope so!

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel
Pages: 384
Oct-Dec 2011 Challenge: Football (Carolina Panthers)
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from the author in conjunection with Crazy Book Tours. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Check out this video from the author - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppaqOBkX4EA
Tour Schedule:
10/11/2011 - Kristin Kritters Ramblings - http://www.krittersramblings.com
10/12/2011 - Lauren Ravishing Reads - http://ravishingreads.blogspot.com
10/13/2011 - Maggie My Utopia - http://myutopia36.blogspot.com/
10/14/2011 - Laurie Reader Girls - http://readergirls.blogspot.com
10/16/2011 - Christa Mental Foodie - http://mentalfoodie.blogspot.com
10/17/2011 - Gwenyth Love Rants~N~Scribbles - http://rantsnscribbles.blogspot.com
10/18/2011 - Sinn Sinnful Books - http://sinnfulbooks.blogspot.com
10/19/2011 - Meg A Bookish Affair - http://abookishaffair.blogspot.com/
10/20/2011 - Louise Between the Covers - http://www.betweenthecoversblog.net/
10/21/2011 - Christie The Fiction Enthusiast - http://thefictionenthusiast.blogspot.com/
10/22/2011 - Heather Proud Book Nerd - http://proudbooknerd.com/
10/23/2011 - Julie Book Hooked - http://www.bookhookedblog.com
10/24/2011 - Stacy Girls in the Stacks - http://www.girlsinthestacks.com
10/25/2011 - Nicole All I Ever Read - http://books.nicoleabouttown.com
I have been so excited about this one, it is already on my Wishlist and then you said slightly dystopian, ugggh. I will follow the tour now to make a decision.
ReplyDeleteI love thriller, even a little horror but dystopian I had decided to stay away from.
Still a great exciting review but now I know what I need to look for to make a solid decision, so thank you.
I loved it but you'll have to wait until the 19th to hear my thoughts!!!