Publisher: BookTrope Editions
Pages: 276
Format: book
Buy the Book: Amazon
Kritters Thoughts: Grace, the main character, starts the book in a Shaker Village with her very pregnant sister in law; shortly after her trip she finds herself single again and decides that maybe the Shakers do it right with the celibacy. Unfortunately for her, right after she makes this pledge to follow the Shaker Plan, she meets two great guys.
For me, both of the guys in contention were all that great. One was quite a bit older and the other younger, they were a little to the extreme side of things. I wasn't rooting for either, I was hoping for a third option.
On the other hand, I loved her work situation and it was so fun to have a book where the work life takes center stage to what is going on in the character's personal life. Her co workers were entertaining but honest and their quirks made me appreciate my own work situation a bit more!
For a book in the chick lit genre, this one was a little on the bland side. No matter that I knew what was coming next, the book just didn't have the excitement that I was hoping for when I come to read a chick lit. I wanted a little more of the Shaker involvement in the book - it could have added a little more quirk.
Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

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