Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Review: Feels Like Falling by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Feels Like Falling
by Kristy Woodson Harvey

Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages: 400
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  It’s summertime on the North Carolina coast and the livin’ is easy.

Unless, that is, you’ve just lost your mother to cancer, your sister to her extremist husband, and your husband to his executive assistant. Meet Gray Howard. Right when Gray could use a serious infusion of good karma in her life, she inadvertently gets a stranger, Diana Harrington, fired from her job at the local pharmacy.

Diana Harrington’s summer isn’t off to the greatest start either: Hours before losing her job, she broke up with her boyfriend and moved out of their shared house with only a worn-out Impala for a bed. Lucky for her, Gray has an empty guest house and a very guilty conscience.

With Gray’s kindness, Diana’s tide begins to turn. But when her first love returns, every secret from her past seems to resurface all at once. And, as Gray begins to blaze a new trail, she discovers, with Diana’s help, that what she envisioned as her perfect life may not be what she wants at all.

Kritters Thoughts:  I was already a Kristy Woodson Harvey fan going into this book and continue to be after!  

A great piece of women's fiction set in the south with a great main character that intrigued me so much that I couldn't help reading the book in two sittings!  Gray Howard is an older sister who is going through a divorce that unfortunately happened right after she lost her mother.  She is navigating maintaining her business while also co parenting and her ex already has a new woman in his life.  Summer is starting and she heads to her summer home for a change of pace and hopefully to regroup.

Diana Harrington is the other main character that shares her perspectives also.  Each chapter is divided between the two women as they push the story along.  Diana has had a rough go of it recently and has always landed on her feet, but this time she may need to accept a little help and maybe through a new experience she could find a new passion in life.  

I loved Gray and Diana, but I also loved the people they had around them.  They each had their own great storylines and enough drama, but not too much.  There are just enough moments of romance in Kristy's books that make you smile and giggle, but not enough to make you roll your eyes!  If you are looking for a book that has heart and soul, then you can read each of Kristy Woodson Harvey's books, but I can absolutely suggest you start here with Feels Like Falling.

This was a great book to read in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic as a breather from the news and real life.

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel
Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Gallery Books.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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