Publisher:Fleming H Revell Co.
Pages: 167
Format: ebook
Buy the Book: Amazon
Kritters Thoughts: A Christian fiction author with a perfect short holiday story to read with friends. This novella is centered around a couple - Anna and Michael who have recently decided to end their pursuit to try to create a family with children; this is where this story begins as they enter the holiday season.
The family dynamics with birth order and spouses always interests me and I just love reading about how siblings and their significant others create such dynamic families. I love reading about how spouses fit into the family because I am trying to fit into a family that is twice the size of mine and it is always a joy to read about what that can look like.
The only part that really upset me was the short scene where Anna's sister and friend are complaining about their husbands and children in front of a woman who tried with everything she had to have children of her own. I just wish this section of the story had gone a little differently; it took quite some time for the sister to show compassion and realize that this conversation may be hurting her sister.
I think this book would be a perfect read for a book group to read and discuss during the holiday season - it is short and full of a sweet message.
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

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