When Sascha realized that the one person she didn't want at her thirtieth birthday party was her husband, she knew that it was time for the relationship to end. So, like the hordes of others of her generation for whom starter marriages are as common as Louis Vuitton knock-offs and $5 Starbucks lattes, they got divorced. With wit, moxie, and honesty, Sascha spills about the horrible ex-boyfriends, awkward dates, drugs, a near-death experience, and memories of growing up in an unconvential household that led to her short-lived marriage.
Kritters Thoughts: A snarky humored memoir that I just couldn't get into. I picked this up because I have read and loved memoirs that are filled of hard funny truths. This one - just didn't work for me.
I knew from the beginning that the man she married would not be there in the end. But from the beginning of the relationship, I saw the doomed ending - she should have never married him in the end. There were so many deal breakers that she just let go by, where I would have made an abrupt stop to the relationship. I can't get started about her family life, oh my goodness.
I have to be honest, I would only recommend this to those who have the heart to by pass her mishaps and rough humor to enjoy a true story.
Pages: 310
Cover Challenge Jan-March: Foodie
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