The book includes well-researched and fun-to-read information on the following: Why science is the indulgent dieter's best friend; Why red pepper in spicy foods, the flavonoids in chocolate, the endotheilin-1 in red wine, and more all help you lose weight and keep it off; Why hot sex is good for your heart; How to eat fat and be skinny; Why massage might be better than running for decreasing the appearance of cellulite; When to say no to a salad and yes to another glass of red wine.
Kritters Thoughts: An interesting new take on dieting and eating habits. Indulge in the good things, but keep your hands away when it is meal time. I read this book intrigued by a new concept on how we can change our lifestyles for the better without cutting out all the good stuff.
I think my biggest take away was when she said it sort of repetitively - eat the best of the best. Sometimes I choose cost of quality and maybe even end up choosing more calories and less healthy options because of it. So I would like to spend less money and get less food, but better food. I believe that I can tend to buy too many groceries because I don't have a food plan for the week - with a plan, I could probably end up spending less money and also get the better quality options.
A great read for the female audience who may have already read a book or two on dieting and would like a different take on it all.
Pages: 192
Cover Challenge April-June: Drinks, Dinner & Dessert
This does sound like a unique diet book! I like the idea of eating the best of the best -- save the calorie splurges for foods that are worth it!